Giovanna Carnevali
Architect, Project Director
Strelka KB
Giovanna Carnevali is an established architect and a renowned specialist in Consultancy and Management of International Modern and Contemporary Architecture Institutions. She is a Strategic Thinker Consultant about City Design and Urban Development that links client’s needs to the architectural, digital, social, economic, legal issues by teaming up the necessary professionals.
A former Director of the Mies van der Rohe Foundation (Barcelona) and now Director of International Projects Strelka KB (Moscow). She is also the International Program Director of “Urban Sciences degree” at Iaac Institute of Advanced Architecture in Barcelona.
From 2017 Giovanna the Official List of Experts for Culture and Architecture of the Directorate General for Culture of the European Commission.
Giovanna has developed numerous architecture and urban planning projects in Europe as a founder of Self Arquitectura slp, among which are numerous winning competitions in Italy and Spain.
She has been lecturing in different places among these stand out: MoMa, Biennale of Venice, TU Delft, IaaC Barcelona, Moscow Urban Forum and European Commission.