The exhibition will be officially opened in Katowice on January 26–29, 2023.
Western and southern Ukraine is tormented by bloody battles, and countless air raid alarms are heard throughout its cities. Under enemy fire, rescue teams and other public services have begun to dismantle the ruins and restore architecture in the liberated areas. Is it seemly to speak of modern architecture and design in the conditions of war? Yes, it is. In fact, it is necessary. Architects cannot remain silent during a war because each war is ultimately followed by peace — and by the necessity to rebuild what was destroyed.
The international aid received by Ukraine, especially that provided by its closest neighbor, Poland, will be of enormous importance in the postwar rebuilding. To familiarize the Polish colleagues with Ukraine’s prewar architecture, show the war damage and present the proposals concerning rebuilding of Ukrainian cities, the National Union of Architects of Ukraine (NSAU) has initiated an exhibition project in Poland in collaboration with the SARP. The exhibition includes the 2022 NSAU Awards and proposals regarding the postwar rebuilding of Ukraine.
It also displays the works created by students of architecture at Polish and Ukrainian universities pertaining to the rebuilding of apartments and public utility facilities. Another important section covers the organizations and manufacturers that already participate in programs of collaboration with Ukrainian architects, such as Kraków’s WIDO or AYA Found.
We plan to hold a discussion on the collaboration of the Polish and Ukrainian architectural circles during and after the war.
Після завершення кожної війни настає мир, а з ним приходить потреба відновлення зруйнованого.
Велике значення в післявоєнній відбудові матиме міжнародна допомога для України, особливо її найближчого сусіда – Польщі. Щоб познайомити польських колег з українською архітектурою довоєнного періоду, показати воєнні руйнування, а також представити пропозиції по відбудові міст України НСАУ у співпраці з SARP ініціювало проведення виставкового проекту у Варшаві та інших містах РП.
Проект передбачає підготовку виставки та дискусію на тему співпраці українських та польських архітектурних спільнот.
Source: SARP/ National Union of Architects in Ukraine