Kinga Nettmann-Multanowska
author of the book „Warszawa rysuje Skopje” (en. Warsaw Draws Skopje)
Kinga Nettmann-Multanowska, PhD: a linguist, graduate of Adam Mickiewicz University, Poznań, Poland; teacher of Polish for foreigners (worked in Kyrgyzstan and Georgia); culture manager, (co-)author of numerous publications on Polish traces in Georgia and North Macedonia (including her recent book Warszawa rysuje Skopje [E. Warsaw designs Skopje] published by Fundacja Centrum Architektury, 2022); initiator of events and publications on architecture and urban planning; between 2014–2018 lived in Skopje, North Macedonia.
Warsaw designs Skopje is a little-known story of the international success of Polish soft-power based on the expertise of Warsaw’s city planners who took part in a UN project rebuilding Skopje destroyed in the 1963 earthquake; co-creating the Master Plan of the city. The ever-present hero of this multi-threaded story is Skopje itself – a place of multiple identities, the capital of fine brutalist architecture and spectacular architectural kitsch erected in recent year.