Thomas Fagernes
Partner, Head of Competitions, Architect
Nordic + KJ-A
Thomas Fagernes is an architect, partner, and director with Nordic Office of Architecture. Since graduating from the Oslo school of architecture in 1998, Thomas has designed and worked on a number of large-scale projects in Norway and around the world. Before joining Nordic in 2018, Thomas was a partner and director with the company Snøhetta where he led the successful competitions and design work for award winning projects such as the Ras al Khaimah Gateway in the Emirates, the Dubai Ain in Dubai, the Busan opera house in South Korea and the Shanghai grand opera house in China. With Snøhetta Thomas also established their office in Singapore where he led projects in the Southeast Asia region including the Ministry of foreign affairs headquarter in Brunei and stores for the Aesop brand in Singapore. After joining Nordic Office of Architecture Thomas has led the design work for a range of projects and typologies spanning from an opera house, community centers and mega-airports in China, residential and commercial projects in Oslo to leisure and hospitality projects in the Norwegian mountains. Throughout his career Thomas has explored the enhancement of public space as a driver for his work and a key success factor for any project regardless of size, typology, and location.