Anna Osadnik
Anna Osadnik OSA Born in 1971 in the silver town of Tarnowskie Góry. A graduate of the Academy of Fine Arts in Wrocław, she obtained a diploma with honors in graphic arts and painting in 1995. In 2016, under the artistic supervision of prof. Doctorate Andrzej Szarek began his doctoral studies in sculpture at the Institute of Art of the University of Silesia in Cieszyn. Doctoral defense with honors in 2023. He is mainly engaged in painting, graphic, exploring space, collecting traces and trying to preserve them. In his work, he discusses topics related to ecology and the components of peace. He was an art teacher for many years. In 2010, she was honored with the Award of the Mayor of Tarnowskie Góry for her cultural activities. She is the heroine of several episodes of Krzysztof Mazik's "Cookbook - 100 inedible dishes”. In the Silesian Culture Center, the Palace in Nakło Śląskie was immortalized in the Calendar of Creators of Silesian Culture 2014 by Marek Wesołowski and Krzysztof Miller. In the years 1995-2019, she prepared 51 original exhibitions. She also participated in more than 200 international actions, open-air events,symposia, workshops and art actions, including music, theater, fashion shows, etc. Her works can be found in museums and galleries and in private collections in many countries (Poland, Germany, Holland, Finland, Czech Republic, Italy, Canada, France, Sweden, England, San Salvador, Kyrgyzstan, Holland, Hungary, Romania, Ukraine).