Katarzyna Abramowicz
interior designer
Mango Investments
Certified interior designer. She graduated from the Faculty of Interior Design at the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow.
She gained professional experience first in the Araż-Art design office in Krakow, and then in Mango Studio, which she has been co-creating as the Chief Designer since 2011.
In addition to interior design, she supports external architectural offices in creating facades. Her work includes, among others, the new face of the "Ślizgowiec" skyscraper located in the centre of Katowice.
In interiors, she prefers surprising means of expression and eclectic combinations. These arrangement marriages look great thanks to her artistic intuition, incredible memory of color and constant need to create beauty.
Katarzyna is an uncompromising designer, she does not tolerate bad solutions or unfinished details. Determined in searching for perfect concepts and the best architectural solutions in the entrusted interiors. She freely plays with color, form and detail.
She has inexhaustible creative potential. In her free time, she devotes herself to his numerous passions.