Beata Ludwiczak
Assistant Professor, Design Department, Eugeniusz Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław
Beata Ludwiczak, PhD – ass. professor in the Design Department at the E. Geppert Academy of Art and Design in Wrocław. My research interests include theory and history of design, especially semantics in design and social aspect of design. The experience of design in practice I obtain while carrying out projects in the field of service design, both for non-commercial and commercial organisations. To my research activities I include curating exhibitions, which gives me opportunities for in-depth analysis of the displayed projects in relation to tendencies in contemporary and historical design, as well as phenomena and dilemmas which accompany people in the 21st century. Organising exhibitions, delivering lectures and writing articles allow me to educate about good design, which I get involved in, fully convinced that there is an important social need for such activities.