Krystian Heffner
Head, Department of Spatial and Environment Development, the University of Economics in Katowice
Professor of Economics (2001), specialises in regional and urban policy, spatial economy and small town development, and migration issues. Graduated in geography at the University of Wrocław (1974). He obtained the PhD degree in spatial planning at the Wrocław University of Technology (1978) and the habilitation at the IGiPZ PAN in Warsaw (economic geography, 1992). Since 1998, he has worked at the University of Economics in Katowice, where he is Head of the Department of Spatial and Environmental Economics. In 1991-1996, he was director of the Silesian Institute in Opole. He worked at the IRWiR PAN in Warsaw (1999-2012), the University of Łódź (1993-2008), the Opole University of Technology (2000-2018) and the Silesian University in Opava (Czech Republic) (2009-2018). Author of more than 500 scientific publications, including more than 200 devoted to problems of urban and regional economy, suburbanisation and small town development. Member of the Committee on National Spatial Planning of the Polish Academy of Sciences since 1996.